Metadata 415
Ing. Martin PalečekWeb 3D scene for the visualization of a set of individual 3D models of the Kutná Hora ore district - Kaňk locality includes a 3D landscape model, which includes a 5th generation digital elevation model (DEM 5G), a 3D structural-geological model, and a 3D model of mining works and underground spaces. Each partial model is a separate entity, sufficiently representing the geological, geomorphological, and mining situation of the area of interest. These 3D models are essential foundations for a comprehensive m...
Ing. Zuzana GajdošováThis database contains key information on areas in the Czech Republic, where underground mining or mineral exploration were undertaken in the past. It provides warnings about areas where subsidence or other hazards may occur due to the presence of underground spaces.
Ing. Martin PalečekWMS Service displays key information on areas where underground mining or mineral exploration was undertaken in the past. It provides warnings about areas where subsidence or other hazards may occur due to the presence of underground spaces.
Ing. Martin PalečekThis ArcGIS Server Service displays key information on areas where underground mining or mineral exploration was undertaken in the past. It provides warnings about areas where subsidence or other hazards may occur due to the presence of underground spaces.
RNDr. Vít Štrupl, Ph.D.Open dataset contains key information on areas in the Czech Republic, where underground mining or mineral exploration were undertaken in the past. The mine workings are irregularly distributed within the vector representation and at different depths. Polygons can also contain completely unmined sections. The possible damage to the terrain by mining activities is usually smaller than the extent of the vector representation.
RNDr. Jaromír Starý, Ph.D.Databáze obsahuje data, která nemají samostatnou souřadnicovou část a nelze je tedy samostatně prostorově lokalizovat.
Mají však obvykle vazbu na některé faktografické databáze.
RNDr. Roman Kujal, Ph.D.This database contains data from magnetic surveys, radiometric surveys (total gamma-ray activity) and gamma-ray spectromety surveys (K, U, Th).
Jaroslav NovákDatabáze obsahuje uložená rozhodnutí o schválených výpočtech zásob prozkoumaných ložisek nerostných surovin nebo podzemních vod Komisí pro klasifikaci zásob ložisek nerostných surovin (KKZ) a od 1.1.1992 Komisí pro projekty a závěrečné zprávy (KPZ) Ministerstva pro hospodářskou politiku a rozvoj ČR, později Ministerstva hospodářství ČR od roku 1997 Ministerstva životního prostředí ČR.
PhDr. Kateřina HaškováDigitální kartotéka, která obsahuje publikace a další materiály vztahující se k problematice hornictví, geologickým vědám a historii. Publikace jsou uložené v odborné knihovně na pracovišti České geologické služby v Kutné Hoře
Mgr. Milada HrdlovicsováASGI - Automated System of Geological Information application allows unified access and parametric search of reports and opinions saved in all CGS archives. It’s primarily documentation of Geofond department archive under the Act of geological projects and expert outputs from organization since it’s foundation. Besides detail information about reports allows thumbnail of digitized documents. Some documents from another geological organizations archives are also available.