Metadata 408

Supervisor: Ing. Martin Paleček
WMS service makes accessible collective information on territory for information providing purpose by course of article 27 Act no. 183/2006 Coll. (Building act) from the following GIS layers: mining leases, protected areas of mineral deposits, areas protected against specific impacts in the Earth’s crust, reserved deposits and approved prognostic resources, registered mine workings (old mine workings), undermined areas, landslide areas, and non-reserved mineral deposits.
Metadata Contact: Mgr. Pavla Kramolišová, Date Stamp: 2023-11-27
Supervisor: RNDr. Renata Kachlíková
Map application provides data for the purpose of urban planning authorities in accordance with law no. 183/2006 Coll. (building law). It allows authorized users to obtain free shp format data and to generate an electronically signed report.. According to Decree no. 500/2006 Coll. it regards: protected deposit area, protected area for special interventions into the earth's crust, mineral resources, abandoned mine lands, landslides and other geological risk areas and old mine workings impacts.
Metadata Contact: Mgr. Olga Moravcová, Ph.D., Date Stamp: 2024-02-27
Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Budil, Ph.D.
Application makes information about entire thin section material stored in the CGS depositories in Prague.The material is sorted in the comprehensive database according to boxes and their description. Search of each deposited thin section is possible (database of thin section-boxes). For searching is possible to use names of minerals which are shared with geological code list of CGS.
Metadata Contact: Mgr. Olga Moravcová, Ph.D., Date Stamp: 2024-02-15
Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Budil, Ph.D.
Databáze jednotlivých skel výbrusů uložených v ČGS, příp. výčtu horninotvorných minerálů. Jedná se výbrusy pocházející z geologického mapování, regionálních a speciálních výzkumů ČGS od 30. let 20. stol.
Metadata Contact: Mgr. Olga Moravcová, Ph.D., Date Stamp: 2024-02-15
Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Budil, Ph.D.
Databáze zahrnuje soupis kolekcí (krabic) petrografických výbrusů uložených v ČGS a nově i jednotlivých skel, příp. výčtu horninotvorných minerálů. Jedná se o výbrusy pocházející z geologického mapování, regionálních a speciálních výzkumů ČGS od 30. let.
Metadata Contact: Mgr. Olga Moravcová, Ph.D., Date Stamp: 2024-02-15
Supervisor: Mgr. Ondřej Švagera
The updated 3D structural geological model of the Březový potok locality was created in the MOVE software, primarily for a user-friendly access to the geological interpretations of an extensive geophysical and geological research conducted at this site in the recent years. The possibility of using the model in subsequent hydrogeological and transport models was taken into account during its creation. For the purposes of 3D models of potential localities for deep repository of HLW, faults of categories I, I...
Metadata Contact: Ing. Lucie Kondrová, Ph.D., Date Stamp: 2024-03-28
Supervisor: Ing. Martin Paleček
Web 3D scene for the visualization of the updated 3D structural geological model of the Březový potok locality - one of the nine sites considered for the planned deep repository of high-level radioactive waste in the Czech Republic. The 3D model was created for SÚRAO (RAWRA) during the course of PB-2017-ZL-U2196-037 „Geofyzika“ solution.
Metadata Contact: Ing. Lucie Kondrová, Ph.D., Date Stamp: 2024-03-28
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Jan Jelínek, Ph.D.
The updated 3D structural geological model of the ETE-Jih locality was created in the MOVE software, primarily to provide a user-friendly access to the geological interpretations of an extensive geophysical and geological research conducted at this site in the recent years. The possibility of using the model in subsequent hydrogeological and transport models was taken into account during its creation. For the purposes of 3D models of potential localities for a deep repository of HLW, faults of categories I...
Metadata Contact: Ing. Lucie Kondrová, Ph.D., Date Stamp: 2024-05-14
Supervisor: Ing. Martin Paleček
Web 3D scene for the visualization of the updated 3D structural geological model of the ETE-Jih locality – one of the nine sites considered for the planned deep repository of high-level radioactive waste in the Czech Republic. The 3D model was created for SÚRAO (RAWRA) during the course of PB-2017-ZL-U2196-037 „Geofyzika“ solution.
Metadata Contact: Ing. Lucie Kondrová, Ph.D., Date Stamp: 2024-04-03
Supervisor: Mgr. Jakub Kryl, Ph.D.
The updated 3D structural geological model of the Horka locality was created in the MOVE software, primarily for a user-friendly access to the geological interpretations of an extensive geophysical and geological research conducted at this site in the recent years. The possibility of using the model in subsequent hydrogeological and transport models was taken into account during its creation. For the purposes of 3D models of potential localities for deep repository of HLW, faults of categories I, II and II...
Metadata Contact: Ing. Lucie Kondrová, Ph.D., Date Stamp: 2024-05-14
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