This database contains laboratory measurements of a range of physical properties of rocks, which can be subdivided into two groups:
1) scalar parameters – density (mineralogical and bulk densities), porosity, mean magnetic susceptibility, and natural radioactivity (U, Th, K and total gamma-ray activity),
2) anisotropic (oriented) parameters – remanent magnetization, velocities of elastic wave propagation, electrical properties and induced polarization.
The database comprises two sub-databases – physical properties of surface samples (20,371 pcs) and core samples from 550 wells.
Location accuracy: locations digitized from 1:50 000 scale maps.
Petrophysical data have been measured by Geofyzika Brno since the 1960s to the present. Although the methods of measuring (mainly the spectra of radioactive elements and rock-magnetic properties) were modernized, the principles of measurement remain unchanged. The values measured are therefore comparable across decades and suitable for unified statistical evaluation.
Until 31.12. 2024 Expert data guarantor: RNDr. Eva Hudečková