A set of individual 3D models of the Kutna hora ore district - Kaňk location

Web 3D scene for the visualization of a set of individual 3D models of the Kutná Hora ore district - Kaňk locality includes a 3D landscape model, which includes a 5th generation digital elevation model (DEM 5G), a 3D structural-geological model, and a 3D model of mining works and underground spaces. Each partial model is a separate entity, sufficiently representing the geological, geomorphological, and mining situation of the area of interest. These 3D models are essential foundations for a comprehensive methodological solution and the creation of a final 3D model of the impact of undermining on the surface in the historical mining area of the Kaňk locality. The models were developedd for the purpose of comprehensive assessment of areas affected by mining activities and are essential for modern urban planning - City Information Modeling.
GEMET - Concepts, version 3.1: CGS Geoscientific themes: ISO 19119: Spatial scope:
3D scene
3D geological model
3D strukturně geologický model
3D landscape model
creation: 2024-05-22, publication: 2024-06-28
2024-06-28 - now
Project SS02030023 Rock Environment and Mineral Resources (RENS) work package “Undermined Areas,” with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the Environment for Life program. The result designation: ISTA SS02030023-V38. CGS project: 225040.
The models were developedd for the purpose of comprehensive assessment of areas affected by mining activities and are essential for modern urban planning - City Information Modeling.
Czech Geological Survey
Ing. Martin Paleček
Leitnerova 204/22, Brno, 602 00, Česká republika
tel: +420543429261
email: martin.palecek@geology.cz
Role: point of contact
Czech Geological Survey
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089411
email: metadata@geology.cz
Role: custodian

Data Quality

DMR data: CGS: Jelínek, J. – Kryl, J. – Staněk, F. – Grygar, R. – Šanderová, J.; Mining design s.r.o.: Brejcha, M.


Metadata about metadata

Czech Geological Survey
Mgr. Olga Moravcová, Ph.D.
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089445
email: olga.moravcova@geology.cz
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource