The map service shows the vulnerability of the quantity of groundwater resources to drought for catchments of the 4. order (finest subdivision of catchments in Czech Republic), hydrogeological districts, floodplains, and municipalities supplied from household groundwater resources. Layer is based on balance between dynamic groundwater resources and groundwater consumption. For groundwater resources the layer of base flow in a dry season is used. Concerning water consumption
The evidence of groundwater withdrawals is used. For municipalities with individual household water supplies, the water withdrawal is calculated from the number of inhabitants and the national average consumption of drinking water per inhabitant. Groundwater withdrawals in the presented map are assigned to environments by geographic position, although the groundwater is often withdrawn from multiple superimposed environments in an unknown ratio (Quaternary fluvial sediments vs. bedrock). The map service should serve as an information document, especially when planning the development of regions. In the case of a specific location (local scale), data should be verified by a local investigation, including field measurements.