3D photogrammetry model of echinoderm Pyrocystites

Web visualization of the 3D photogrammetric model of Ordovician echinoderm Pyrocystites comes from the locality Osek. In the incomplete theca (an individual) of this echinoderm, several trilobites of genus Placoparia were found thanks to micro-CT visualization.
Nenalezeno https://micka.geology.cz/record/file/6406004a-8e58-423a-93d6-59760a010852?fname=ikona-206-115-3D-Ostnokoz2.jpeg
GEMET - Concepts, version 3.1: GeoERA Keyword Thesaurus: CGS Geoscientific themes: ISO 19119: Spatial scope: Data theme, EU:
echinoderm Pyrocystites
trilobite Placoparia
Osek near Rakovníka
DOM Document Object Model
3D photogrammetry model
creation: 2023-03-01, publication: 2023-04-01
2023-03-01 - now
3D photogrammetric model was created by CGS experts in Agisoft Metashape software.
Czech Geological Survey
RNDr. Martina Nohejlová, Ph.D.
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089431
email: martina.nohejlova@geology.cz
Role: point of contact
Czech Geological Survey
Mgr. Ondřej Švagera
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089484
email: ondrej.svagera@geology.cz
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
Ing. Radek Svítil
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420 257 089 448
email: radek.svitil@geology.cz
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089411
email: metadata@geology.cz
Role: custodian

Data Quality

The sample from the CGS collections:
Inventory number: VV 101
Dimensions: 38 x 34 mm


Metadata about metadata

Czech Geological Survey
Mgr. Olga Moravcová, Ph.D.
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089445
email: olga.moravcova@geology.cz
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource