Metadata 414
Mgr. Ondřej ŠvageraWithin the framework of an internal project of the Czech Geological Survey, a pilot GeoCIM model of a selected area in the Perštýn locality within the city of Liberec was developed. The work included the processing of available data obtained from data sources from CGS, from the Liberec City Hall and from the North Bohemian Museum in Liberec. In parallel to the research work, a proposal of possible layers of the model was prepared and consulted with the Liberec City Council. On the basis of the obtained da...
Ing. Martin PalečekWeb 3D scene for the visualization of the GeoCIM model of a selected area in the Perštýn locality within the city of Liberec.
RNDr. František Staněk, Ph.D.3D model of the graphite deposit Český Krumlov – Městský vrch was created within the project TE02000029 Competence Centre for Effective and Ecological Mining of Mineral Resources. The main objective of this project is a review of reserves of selected non-energy minerals belonging to EU critical commodities. The project also includes a methodology of creating and visualizing 3D models of selected mineral deposits.
The 3D model depicts only the richer part of the graphite deposit, especially its southern to ...
Ing. Martin PalečekWeb 3D scene for the visualization of 3D geological model of the graphite deposit Český Krumlov – Městský vrch.
doc. Ing. Jan Jelínek, Ph.D.The 3D model shows the shape of the paleo valley of the Svratka riverbed in the section between the villages of Doubravník and Borač. It allows to separately visualize faults, relief of the Svratka Crystalline complex and the Moravicum (crystalline complex), Neogene sediments and the modeled paleo valley itself. The spatial model of the paleo valley is set in the current relief. The model shows the basic faults that illustrate the overall tectonic complexity of the valley. The 3D model creates a spatial id...
Ing. Martin PalečekWeb 3D scene for the visualization of the 3D model of the paleo valley of the Svratka riverbed (Doubravník – Borač area).
RNDr. Martina Nohejlová, Ph.D.Web visualization of the 3D photogrammetric model of Jurassic ammonite Lytoceras originated from the locality Štramberk.
RNDr. Martina Nohejlová, Ph.D.Web visualization of the 3D photogrammetric model of Ordovician echinoderm Pyrocystites comes from the locality Osek. In the incomplete theca (an individual) of this echinoderm, several trilobites of genus Placoparia were found thanks to micro-CT visualization.
RNDr. Martina Nohejlová, Ph.D.Web visualization of the 3D photogrammetric model of devonian trilobite Phacops (Pedinopariops) superstes superior in moulted position was found in Hlubočepy (part of the Prague) by the eminent professor Chlupáč, who depicted it in his publication from 1977.
doc. Ing. Jan Jelínek, Ph.D.A set of individual 3D models of the Kutná Hora ore district - Kaňk locality includes a 3D landscape model, which includes a 5th generation digital elevation model (DEM 5G), a 3D structural-geological model, and a 3D model of mining works and underground spaces. Each partial model is a separate entity, sufficiently representing the geological, geomorphological, and mining situation of the area of interest. These 3D models are essential foundations for a comprehensive methodological solution and the creatio...